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牛津英语九年级上Unit3 Teenage problems整单元导学案
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牛津英语九年级上Unit3 Teenage problems整单元导学案
1、尖子生之一                        11.叫她书虫      
2在考试中得高分                     12、擅长考试                   
3、嘲笑某人                          13、似乎高兴的多                    
5、为……为骄傲(自豪)                 14.复习                         
6、几乎没有取得进步                   15.尽可能经常地                
7、大声读英语                         16.所有单词发音正确                         
8、享受锻炼的乐趣                     17、搬到另一个城市            
9不客气(                            18.发现体育难           
10.讨厌游泳                             19.没有新朋友                     
1.      Pay no attention to those classmates who laugh at you.
pay no attention to“不注意(不理睬)”to 为介词+名词、代词宾格、动词ing
laugh at 嘲笑
2.Now Nora seems much happier than before.
seems much happier似乎高兴的多,修饰形容词或副词比较级常见的词有:even、a little、 a bit 、much 、 a lot 、 far等。
seem 常和不定式、形容词、分词、名词、介词短语或that从句搭配。
(1)seem+不定式短语: 他似乎要去南京了。                          
(3)seem+分词:似乎没人那样想 No one                    that way.
(4)seem 通常用在句型“It seems(seemed)(that)…中,该句型常用来表示”行为“的主体。他看起来高兴。                          she is happy
点拨拓展】:(1)be proud of +名词、代词或动-ing形式;同意词组take part in
(2)be proud to do sth因做某事二骄傲(3)be proud +that 从句
We                     students of Class3, Grade9.
He                    he has such a great mother.
3、我为自己能帮助别人而自豪。I                  helping others.
Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1. The armchair seems much                     (comfort).
2. ---Who can answer all the questions                    (correct)?
---I’m afraid nobody here can.
3. You will make great _             progress) as long as you study hard.
4. Learning some foreigners’ correct           (pronounce) is helpful for you.
5. Do you know how to                    (pronunciation) his given name.
Ⅲ. 单项选择
(  ) 1. If nobody __  _           the phone at work, right ring me at home.
A. replies      B .reply to     C. answers    D. receives 
(  ) 2.---English isn’t as               as Chinese.
      ----Maybe, perhaps it’s just because Chinese is your native language.
         A. easy    B. easily    C. easier  D. easiest
(  ) 3. ________ thank you for telling us the truth.    ----             
A. For  pleasure .  B. Don’t mention it  C. with pleasure  D. As pleasure
(  ) 4. Mr White is very strange. I found            on well with her,
A. it’s difficult to get             B. it difficult to get      
C. it’s difficult of getting          D. it’s difficult for getting
(  ) 5. ---The meat is           .  —Yes, Li Lei. but don’t eat____      .   
A. too much, too much        B. much too, too much  
C. too much, too much        D. much too , much too
(    ) 6. If there were no examinations, we should have               at school .
A. the happier time            B. a more happier time 
C. much happiest time         D. a much happier time
(   )7. Some students               his age like playing computer games.
A. of      B. in       C. at      D. for

资料名称: 牛津英语九年级上Unit3 Teenage problems整单元导学案
文件大小: 116K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit3
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