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2015-2016学年外语教研版七年级英语上Module4 Healthy food检测题含答案
1. We can’t smoke here.
2. He has a teddy bear.
3. There’s a beautiful bird in the tree.
4. They usually play basketball in the afternoon.
5. They often fly kites in the park.
6.M: Excuse me, how can I get to the city library?
 W: The No. 62 bus will take you there. It’s across from the zoo.
 Q: Where is the city library?
7.M: When are you supposed to arrive if you are invited to a dinner party in Germany?
 W: I’m supposed to get there on time.
 Q: Is it polite to be late for a dinner party in Germany?
8.M: Mona, did you enjoy yourself at the party?
 W: No, it was quite noisy. You know, I like gentle music.
 Q: What kind of music does Mona like?
9.M: A terrible accident happened in America last week.
 W: Oh, what is it?
 M: A plane fell into a neighborhood and fifty people were killed.
 W: Oh, my goodness!
 Q: How many people died in the accident?
10. M: Our English teacher was ill. Who will teach us today?
 W: It must be Miss Green. Look, she’s coming to our class.
 M: Let’s go back to the classroom now.
 Q: Where are they talking?
11. A: How many boys are there in your class, Jill?
   B: There are 30, and there are 22 girls in our class.
   Q: How many students are there in Jill’s class?
12. A: Do you have a camera , Lily?
   B: No, I don’t. But Millie has one.
   Q: Who has a camera?
13. A: Does Nick usually get up early?
  B: Yes, he does. But he gets up late at the weekend.
  Q: Does Nick get up early on Sunday?
14. A: Mary, does your cousin work in a school?
   B: No, he’s a policeman.
   Q: What’s Mary’s cousin?
15. A: Can we ride bikes on the grass?
   B: N o, we can’t. Look at the sign.
   Q: Can they ride bikes on the grass?
    I’m Lily. I get up at 6:30 a.m. My friend Mary lives near my home. She gets up at 6:40 a.m. We go to sch ool together. I have lunch at school. She has lunch at school, too. We often chat with each other at lunchtime. After school, I usually go swimming. She usually goes to play football. We don’t go home together. She goes home a t 5:00 p.m. I go home at 5:30 p.m. We do our homework in the evening.
1~5 DABEC   6~10 BABCB
11~15 CABAC  16~20 BBACB
21. B 因为问的是蔬菜,所以只有B选项符合。
22. D chicken和ice cream是不可数名词,无复数形式,故只能选D。
23. D 只有D选项中的单词的复数形式正确,所以选D。
24. D  A、B、C选 项都属于水果类,所以选D。
25. B 因为Would like...?问句是征求意见的,表示“一些”用some,所以选B项。
26. B apple juice和bread是不可数名词,不能加s,cake具体指某种蛋糕时是可数名词,要
27. A 表示“可以吃的东西”,用something to eat。
28. B 表示“吃什么作晚餐”,用介词for。
29. C 表示委婉地请求和建议时,疑问句也用some。
30. C  第一个空是泛指,故用an,第二个空是特指,故用the。
31.B  表示某人“有”用have或has,主语为I,故用have。
32.A  and意为“和”,在肯定句中连接两个并列成分。
33.D  for在这里意为“作为”,三餐吃什么,用介词for。
34.B  表示“喜欢”用like,主语“Sally and I”为复数,故选B。
35.B  表示转折关系,故用but。
36.C  否定实义动词应用助动词do或does,主语为第一人称,故用don’t。
37.C  前文已提到自己的两个姐妹:Sally和Mona。
38.C  milk和meat为不可数名词,后不能加s; noodle一般用复数形式。故选C。
39.D  由谓语动词like可知主语不是第三人称单数,故选D。
40.A  肯定句中表示“和”用and,连接两个并列成分。
41. B 根据“The food in America is different from our Chinese food.”可知,美国食物与中国
42. A 根据“Cheese and butter are made from (用……做成)milk.”可知,butter是用milk做
43. C 根据“They eat their bread with butter(黄油), cheese or jam(果酱).”可知,他们吃面包
44. D 通读全文可知应选D项。
45. C 根据短文最后两句可知,美国人餐后喜欢吃甜点。
46.A  由第三句可知Mike是美国人。
47.B  由句子“I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast.”可知本题应选B。
48.A  由文中的句子“I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school.”可知A项正
49.D  由倒数第四、五句可知选D项。
50.B  由倒数第二句可知。
51.C  由第一段知很多英国人每天吃四顿饭。故选C。
52.B  从文章第二段的第二、三句知应选B。
53.D  由第三段的第一句“Lunch comes at one o’clock.”知应选D。
54.A  由第三段中的“First they have soup, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables.
  After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges.”可知其中没有提到
55.B  由“Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.”可知应选B。
56.milk  57.potatoes   58.tomatoes  59.chicken    
60.oranges  61.healthy food, drinks   62.favourite food     
63.fish,rice for  64.Hamburgers,unhealthy  65.can’t play the       
66.haven’t got any 67.No,haven’t  68.How many eggs      
69.Who likes  70.Have you got any juice
One possible version:
Lingling’s family live in Zhuhai. Her father is from Guangdong, he likes eating rice and meat. Her mother is from Dongbei, she likes eating noodles and dumplings. Lingling likes eating ice creams and hamburgers. His mother says they are unhealthy food. And she asks Lingling to eat more rice and fish, to drink more milk and juice, because they are all healthy food and drinks.

资料名称: 2015-2016学年外语教研版七年级上Module4检测题含答案
文件大小: 206K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版七年级上Module4
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