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二、单项选择 (15分)
21.He is _________ of the three good boys.
A. taller    B. the taller boy            C. the tallest boy    D. the tall boy
22. I have many hobbies. I never feel ______  when I am alone.
A. boring  B. excited                   C. bored                D. boring
23. The         joke often makes the boy         .
A .fun, laugh     B. funny, to laugh  C. funny, laughs      D. funny, laugh
24. She is ready          people all the time.
A. to help                B. helped               C. helps            D. help
25.My best friend Jack looks happy, and he always ________ a smile ________ his face.
A. wear; on          B. put; in                   C. wears; on              D. wears; in
26. ______ you are, _____ mistakes you’ll make.
A. The more careful, the fewer                       B. More careful, the less
C. The more careless, the less                        D. More careless, fewer
27. Time seems ______ when we are playing computer games.
A. go faster          B. to go faster             C. to going faster        D. go fast
28. ------- __ ____________?------She is slim and beautiful.
A. What does she like                                 B. What’s she like
C. What d oes she do                                  D. What’s she alike
29. The number of the books in our library _________ about 20,000.
A. is                         B. are               C. has               D. have
30. –Mum, can I have something________?
–Oh, dear. You can only drink some water. There is________ in the kitchen.
A. to drink; nothing else                             B. drinking; something else
C. to eat; something else                             D. eating; nothing else
31.My father looks ______ today. He looks _________ at my little sister.
A. happy; happy    B. happily; happily   C. happily; happy  D. happy; happily
32. Hurry up! There is         time left .                      
A. little                        B. a little         C. a few                D. few
33. Huashi is becoming         these years.                  
A. beautiful er and beautifuler                    B. more and more beautiful
C. the most and most beautiful                             D. the beautifulest
34. Sandy is taller than _______ in her class..
A. any girl      B. the other girl                 C. any other girls   D. any other girl
35. -----Shall we go fishing at 6:00 tomorrow morning?
.  ------________. Will 7:00 be OK?
A. Sure, it’s up to you                                       B. Sure, no problem
C. Sorry, I can’t make it                                    D. Sorry, I’m not free today

资料名称: 华士实验中学2015年八年级上第一次月考英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 11352K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8A月考试卷
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