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1.I am poor in English_______(语法).Can you help me?
2.His daughter is a_______(天生的)dancer. She dances well.  .
3.His parents are both teachers, but_______(两者都不)of them teaches in our school.
4.I don't know_______(是否)he is a good helper or not.
5. If the medicine_______(奏效), you can keep on taking it.
1. He is patient and he doesn't get angry _______ (easy).
2. She is so_______ (care) that she often makes many mistakes in her homework.
3. The story_______ (it)is very interesting and we all like it.
4. The sad news made all of us_______ (happy).
5. If you _______ feel (sleep), you can have a rest.
1.I began to learn_______ (swim) when I was only three.
2. He_______ (be) to many foreign countries recently.
3. Not only his classmates but also he_______ (take) on the challenge from Class 2 next week.
4. Tom is organized and he never forgets the things he needs _______ (do).
5. The sign reminds me_______ (not park) here.

资料名称: 牛津9A阶段检测试卷及答案(Unitsl-2)
文件大小: 113K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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