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牛津9A Unit2 Colours单元检测卷(A)含答案
上传者:   加入日期:15-10-12

牛津9A Unit2 Colours单元检测卷(A)含答案
1. Your coat_______(般配)your trousers well.
2. The teacher_______(建议)us speaking more English in class.
3.She practises_______(日常的)English every day.
4. -Do you know who_______(发现)America?
-Of course, Columbus did.
5. His father_______(答应)to buy him an e-dictionary as his birthday present.
1.I think red is _______ (good) than black.
2. Blue can bring_______ (sad).
3. Don't feel too_______ (stress) while you are taking an exam
4. Yellow is also the colour of_______ (wise).
5. Sun gives us_______ (hot) and light.
1. Green can make you_______ (feel) energetic.
2. I have no difficulty_______ (find)  his new house.
3._______ (wear) red can also make it easier for you to take action.
4. Sometimes it is hard for me to make a_______ (decide).
5. I will go swimming instead of_______ (watch) TV at home.

资料名称: 牛津9A Unit2 Colours单元检测卷(A)含答案
文件大小: 113K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit2
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