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牛津9A Unit1-2单元测试卷含答案
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牛津9A Unit1-2单元测试卷含答案
49. Personality includes your thoughts, feelings and _________ (behave) which make you       different from others.  
50. You should not be of __________ (patient) with your son. He’s only five years old.
51. You must be confident if you _______ (success) complete a difficult through hard work.
52. I think this book will be of great help to us. It offers a lot of _________ (practice) advice     students with learning problems.
53. What a terrible _________ (decide) he made! He should not refuse his invitation.  
54. We should try our best to solve the ________ (日常的) problems of living in the city.
55. David began to learn to make website on the Internet in his early _______ (十几岁).
56. A few days later his badly beaten body was _____ (发现) on a roadside outside the city. 
57. You can’t afford a _________ (失误) while doing this experiment(实验), or you will     waste all the previous efforts
58. We should try our best to keep the _________ (平衡) of the nature in order to make a   better world for the younger.  
59.  —Did you see Mrs. Jane come in?
—No, I __________ (read) an article about animal signs.
60. My parents to me to pay attention to _______ (write) such type of the composition.
61. —Our country _______ (change) a lot.                       —Yes. I hope it will be even better.
62. Many old woman dance _______ (keep) fit for an hour after supper every day.
63. I hear the sports meeting __________ (hold) from Thursday to Friday next week.
64. 她很活泼,跟人交流从不费劲。
She is very ___________________________________________ others.
65. 饮食取决于个人喜好。这些食物让我想起了我妈妈的饭菜。
Diet _________________ taste. The food ____________ the dishes my mother made.
66. 你知道颜色是如何能改变你的心情和改善你的生活吗?
Do you know how the power of colors can __________________________________?
67. 生肖按固定顺序出现,而且这一循环每十二年往复一次。
Animal signs ____________________, and the cycle ______________________.
68. 那你的生活和你的未来都掌握在你的手中。
It is _____________________________________________ future.
69. 艾米问营业员这个体育包是否棉质的。
Amy asked the shopkeeper _____________________________________ cotton. 

资料名称: 牛津9A Unit1-2单元测试卷含答案
文件大小: 152K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit2
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