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1.Students have ten             (minute) rest.
2.Didn’t your teacher tell you that sound           (travel) more slowly thn light?
3.At last they beat Class Two and felt very       (happy)
4.The photos       (take) on the Great Wall look very nice.
5.No one but the twins         (clean) the classroom. The classroom is very clean now.
6.Idon’t like taking a bus and I think it’s          (comfortable) way to travel by bus.
7.Maybe you’ll have better        (luckily) next time.
8.The telephone is one of the most useful            (invent).
9.Our English teacher                  (regard) as our friends.
10.He prefers staying at home to               (go) out at weekends.
1.  亡羊补牢。
It’s                   than never.
2.  如果每人都为建设和谐社会作一些贡献,我们就一定能实现这一梦想。
If everyone                  the harmonious society, we are sure that the dream           .
3.  第十届全运会在江苏举行,这极大地鼓舞了我们积极参加体育活动。
The tenth National Games is being held in Jiangsu.  It greatly                  
us                                sports.
4.  必须采取措施来阻止禽流感在全世界蔓延。
                          to stop bird flu spreading all over the world.
5.  这领带的颜色一点也不配我的外套。
The colour of the tie                   my coat                 .

资料名称: 2016届外研版九年级上第一次月考英语试题及答案
文件大小: 159K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版九年级上月考试卷
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