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第二卷(主观题 40分)
五.词形变化 根据句意和汉语注释,写出下列单词。
1. __________ (是否) you agree or not, I’ll go to Beijing.
2.Don’t be __________ (不耐烦的) with him. He is still a boy after all.
3.All the students in our school are ___________ (要求) to wear school uniforms every day.
4. Qian Xuesen is one of the greatest _________ (开拓者) of China’s space technology.
5. As a doctor, you can never have a moment of ___________ (care).
6. It’s impolite to read others’ _________ (person) letters.
7. Enough sleep can make people feel _________ (energy) and work better.
8. Do you know who __________(discover) America in 1492?
1. My aunt helped to keep our cat and it ____ (take) good care of while we were away on holiday.
2. —Have you worked out the problem? — Not yet. My teacher_______(explain) it to me.
3. It is reported that the new bridge __________________(complete) at the end of this month.
4. —Did you see a man in black pass by just now?
— No, sir. I _________________(reply) to Wang Bing’s question.
5. The sunlight we are used to _________________(include) seven different colors.
6. My grandma has much difficulty _______________(hear) what people say.
7. The earthquake _____________________( influence) this country a lot, hasn’t it?
8. Some people prefer to sell the old house ________________(buy) a new one.

资料名称: 华士实验中学2016届九年级上第一次月考英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 1958K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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