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第二部分(非选择题 45分)
46. I felt even ______(渴) after drinking that kind of juice, there must be too much sugar in it.
47. He is a (an) __________ (诚实) boy, none of us trust him.
48. Who did ________ (糟糕) in the test in your class? Tony did, he is lazy.
49. Whose seats are these? They are the ________ (win), they are coming.
50. Our Maths teacher often tells us funny jokes, all of us think that he is _________(humour).
51. The boy _______(choose) a nice gift for his mother last Saturday.
52. Millie is a true friend, when something ________ (worry) me, I can always go to her.
53. They spent a lot of time ________ (plan) the trip to Nanjing before leaving.
54. My mother is patient enough _________ (clean) the house twice a day.
55. The teacher often makes one of the students ________(help) him.

资料名称: 群力中学2015年八年级英语第2周周周清试卷有听力与答案
文件大小: 6853K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8A周考试卷
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