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41.Please           (纠正) my pronunciation if I go wrong.
42.Ricky had no ________(机会)but to leave the company.
43.It is one of the most popular _________ (方法) for us.
44.There are many ________(岛屿)in China.
45.I enjoy watching English films and ________(听)to real English songs.
46.Everyone knows the sun rises(升起)in the e__________.
47.Can you give us some a_________ about how to learn English?
48.We should plant m__________ of trees every year.
49.If you want to be a singer, you need much more p___________.
50.Jack h________ his right hand when he helped his mother do cleaning last week.
Hello, boys and girls! Today, I am going to talk    51     what you should do when a fire alarm(警报)    52    (go) off. If you hear the alarm, stand in line at thedoor     53     wait for your teacher to lead you outside.    54    (stay) close to your teacher and     55   (classmate). Don’t get out of the line, and try 56      (keep) quiet and calm. Soon the firefighters(消防员)   57     (come) and put out the fire. If it’s a false(假的)alarm and there   58   (be)no fire, your teacher will lead(引导) you 59     to the classroom. If you find that someone is   60  (lose) or hurt, tell your teacher immediately.
61. I often feel shy when I speak English.
62. I have difficulty in making friends at school.
63. I don’t know how to write my English study plan.
64. I can’t speak English well.
65. I think it difficult to understand what the teacher says in class.
A. Take a deep breath and smile before you speak.
B. You should try to speak English as much as possible.
C. Why not ask your teacher for help?
D. Why don’t you say hello to them and talk with them.
E. Remember to listen to him or her carefully in class.
61.         62.        63.          64.           65       
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资料名称: 嘉兴市高新学校等七校2015年10月八年级联考英语试题及答案
文件大小: 116K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上月考试卷
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