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1.I don’t like loud music.It always _______(迫使) me crazy.
2.—You look _______(苍白的).What’s the matter with you?
   —I have a stomach ache.
3.The king lived in a beautiful _______(宫殿).
4.He was afraid of losing his _______(权利).
5.Happiness is more important than _______(财富).
6.—Do you know the man in _______(灰色的)?
   —Yes.I do.He is my uncle.
7.The _______(王后) invited me to have dinner with her.
8.His father is a _______(银行家) and he has lots of money.
II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1.The soft music makes Amy _______(relax).
2.The rock music makes Peter _______(excite).
3.Sad movies made Mike _______(cry).
4.They spend more time _______(eat) their meals.
5.The picture in an ad looks a lot ______(good) than the _______(real) thing.
6.That made me _______(annoy) with myself.
7.Listen! I hear somebody ______(sing) in the next room.
8.You’d better _______(not,talk) loudly in the reading room.
1.The terrible news ______ ______ ______(使我发狂).
2.They are going to ______ ______(开除) the naughty boy.
3.We prefer to stay at home ______ ______(而不是) go skating.
4.______ ______ ______(一开始),I don’t like English.But I become interested in it little by little.
5.The teacher asked us to ______ ______(齐心协力) to finish the project.
6.I ______ ______ ______ ______(敲门),but nobody answered.

资料名称: 鲁教版九年级英语Unit6单元测试试卷及答案
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版本年级: 鲁教版九年级Unit6
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