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四、词汇运用  (本大题共8分,每小题1分)
(A) 根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。
1.       The students have one __________(week) meeting on Friday afternoon.
2.       I think you should take care of the matter __________(you), because you are not small boys any more.
3.       Go to the __________(far) house in the town and the king will meet you there!
4.       This kind of food made Jessie even __________(thirsty) than before.
5.       The singer Zhang bichen __________(luck) won The Voice of China this fall.
(B) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。
6.       Mr. Brown __________(装进) a new lock on his front door yesterday morning.
7.       If you want to remember English words better, to learn the __________(正确的) pronunciations(发音) of them is very important.
8.       “The moon is 380,000 kilometers from the earth.” the __________(物理) teacher said in a low voice.
9.       Tell me __________(确切地) what happened to her yesterday.
10.   I had to sit __________(从头到尾) the movie although it wasn’t interesting at all.
五、动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,在答题卷相应的横线上填写答案。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)
1.         The guy advised us __________(keep) the ticket until the final competition.
2.         They __________ (build) an airport on that island in a few years’ time, aren’t they?
3.         Tom, __________(not be) afraid of speaking in front of the class. You should believe you can.
4.         Did you see an old man __________(walk) around that shop at that time?
5.         At last, he cut out a picture of colourful balloons and __________(stick) it on the cover of the card.
6.         Why don’t you __________(complete) the course at first?
7.         Working with numbers every day __________(make) me unhappy.
8.         Sorry, you can’t take my eraser away. I __________(use) it.
9.         I’m sure that China Dream __________(come) true some day.
10.     Now the boy, like his parents, __________(not like) fast food at all.

资料名称: 溧水和凤中学2014-2015年初二上英语期中试题有答案
文件大小: 10688K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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