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1.________ (decide) about medical treatment will be discussed in today’s meeting.
2.I don’t know why the keyboard ___________(connect) to the computer doesn’t work.
3.It’s impolite to give others an ______________(patient) reply when they ask a quesion.
4.Fully half of the accidents come from drunk drivers and many others from______(careful)
5.The girl looks much__________(生气勃勃的) in the sports clothes and trainers.
6. The famous writer hopes to ___________(创造) some wonderful characters in his new novel.
7. He has almost ______________(无疑地)blown his chance of touring India this winter.
8.Several important people made___________(发言)at the young couple’s wedding.
1.Mary always has more difficulty than Lily__________ (work) out maths problems.
2.My watch requires ___________(fix)because it doesn’t work.
3.I prefer to sell the old house ___________(buy) a new one.
4.The new model of the mobile phone you look forward to __________(sell)out if you don’t order them in time.
5.Mr John, we ___________(prepare) everything.Shall we begin our meeting now?
6. --Mum. When can I use the ipad?   -- Not until it _________(repair) the day after tomorrow.
7. While we were discussing our family travel plan that day, father suggested___________(visit) Hawaii—some beautiful islands which lie in Pacific Ocean.
8. Nobody knew on which day the maths exam ____________(be).
How ma ny parts can________________________________?
Yesterday he was_______________________that he didn’t talk to anyone.
Can you tell me _______________________________________again?
Just now,no one_______________________________________she said.
Were you ____________________________ __________on the challenge?
6. 事实上,我和汤姆一开始都不同意他们的看法。
In fact, __________________________________________in the beginning.

资料名称: 月城中学2016届九年级上第一次月考英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 8745K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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