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II卷(主观题 40分)
1.    Your __________ (care) will certainly lead to a great loss in your work and life.
2.    The ancient city of Pompeii in Italy was __________ (cover) in 1592 by some farmers.
3.    The dictionaries show that some English words have more than one __________ (pronounce).
4.    It’s amazing that the little kid is full of __________ (usual) ideas.
5.    I admire Obama because he never reads his papers while making __________ (演讲).
6.    Teenagers are usually easily __________ (影响) by the outside world.
7.    By now, I’ve never met a __________ (严格的) Maths teacher than Miss King.
8.    A great deal of success in the world was made __________ (凭借) great courage.
六、动词填空   用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
1.       Don’t change your mind too often, or you __________ (not make) a wise decision.
2.       A rainbow __________ (appear) only after rain when there are plenty of water drops.
3.       Since the singer attended the ‘Voice of China 4”, he __________ (catch) a lot of attention.
4.       Don’t have your problems in study __________ (deal) with by your parents. Solve them yourselves.
5.       Nick __________ (offer) a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didn’t take it.
6.       The other day, when Jenny __________ (do) the dishes, one plate suddenly dropped and broke into pieces.
7.       We shouldn’t forget to imagine __________ (get) into trouble when everything goes well.
8.       In our school, all the students __________ (require) to wear their uniforms every weekday.

资料名称: 无锡市崇安区2016届九年级上期中考试英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 2184K
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版本年级: 牛津9A半期试题
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