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1. W: Oh, look!  How beautiful the rainbow is!
  M: Yes. We sometimes see it after rain.   
2. W: Peter, you’re so clever. I guess your animal sign is the Monkey.
  M: Oh no. In fact, I was born in the Year of the Horse.
3.W: Who do you admire most,Jim?
  M: My uncle. He is a chief engineer.
4.W: Do you have any problems, Peter?
  M:Yes, I have too much homework, I often have to stay up late.
5. W: Lucy, do you often read about star signs?
  M: Sometimes, just for fun.
6. W: What do you think of John?
  M: He’s a good manager. He plans all his work very well.
7. W: Another rainy day, Tom! How boring! I prefer to stay in bed on rainy days.
  M: I’d rather watch TV than sleep.
8. W: Excuse me, I’m looking for some books about color therapy. Could you tell me where I can find them?
  M: Certainly. Let me see. Oh, they’re on that shelf.
9. M: Is there anyone in the office?
   W: Yes, Eddie is still there. He’s trying to complete the project today.
10. W:Do you mind my closing the window?
    M:Of course not. I feel a bit cold too. 
第二部分 听对话或短文,回答问题。
W: What kind of TV programmes do you like best?
M: I like watching programmes about history. I find them very useful.
W: I don’t like programmes about history. I think they are boring. News programmes are better. They’re my favourite.
M: How much time do you spend watching TV every day?
W: I watch it for about three hours every day. What about you?
M: About one hour.
W: When do you do your homework?
M: Before watching TV. After watching it, I go to bed. 
Last week, we made a survey. Its topic is “To whom you go when you are in trouble”. Here are the results. 50 percent of the students in my class will go to their classmates or friends because they are the same age. They can understand each other easily. 30 percent of the students will tell teachers or parents about their troubles. Teachers and parents have rich experiences and can offer good advice. Only 20 percent of them solve problems by themselves. How about you? To whom would you like to go when you are in trouble?
  Mr. and Mrs. Black went to see the movie yesterday evening. They couldn’t leave their son at home alone, because he was only ten months old. They had to take him to the cinema. When they walked in, an office worker stopped them and said, “You’ll have to get out if your little son cries, but you can get all your money back.”
  Forty minutes later, Mr. Black asked his wife, “What do you think of the movie?” “It’s too boring!” answered his wife. “I don’t like it, either.” Mr. Black said, “Why not wake up our son and let him cry?”

资料名称: 扬州市宝应泰山初级中学2016届九年级上期中英语试题及答案
文件大小: 281K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9A半期试题
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