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1. W: How old are you?
M: I’m nine years old. I was born in the year of the Mouse.
2. M: Why is it so noisy upstairs?
W: Oh, Jenny is practicing dancing for the coming show.
3. M: Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can have lunch? I’m so hungry.
W: There is only Mcdonald’s on the second floor.
4. W: Oh, dear! It’s time for the evening news programme. It’s on Channel-13.
M: Don’t worry. There is still half an hour to go. Let’s finish watching Voice of China first.
5. M: Miss Li said Mary won the first prize in the photo competition last week.
W: No. She got the second prize. Lucy won the first prize.
6. M: My new neighbour is selfish and stubborn.
 W: Don’t worry. I think you should find some time to talk with him
7. W: Can I have a look at your MP 4 player, Jim?
M: Sorry my MP4 is at home. I will show it to you tomorrow.
8. M: I can’t sleep well the night before a test. What should I do?
W: You’d better listen to a quiet song before going to bed.
9. W: Did all your classmates join the class project?
M: No. Only Annie didn’t. She was ill in bed.
10. W: How much do the socks cost?
   M: Three yuan one pair. If you buy five pairs, you may pay only ten yuan.
B) 听对话和短文,回答问题。
W: Would you like to go to a concert tonight, Bob?
M: Of course. What kind of concert is it?
W: It’s a classical music concert.
M: Great ! I love it , too. When does it start?
W: At 7:10 p.m.
M: And where is it?
W: At Sunshine Theatre.
M: OK , Shall we meet at the gate of the theatre?
W: All right. I’ll see you there at 6:50 p.m.. Bye-bye
Attention, please. Here is a notice. Our teacher brought us good news this morning. There is a new book called How to learn English in the bookstore next to our school. It is good for us to read. It costs twenty-five yuan each. If we buy over 50 books, there will be a discount of 20%. If you want this book, please get your money ready and hand it in tomorrow morning. Our teacher is going to buy it for us tomorrow afternoon.
May I have your attention, everyone? We will arrive at Green Lake Park very soon. It is named after the beautiful lake, Green Lake. It is a fantastic place for tourists in summer, especially on a hot summer day like today. The air from the lake is nice and cool. The lake has a history of 500 years. People began to build houses around the lake a hundred years ago, so in this park you can have a look at the houses of all kinds and colours. In autumn and winter, this park is the best place for bird watching.
OK. Here we are. Please get off the bus. You can walk around the lake and enjoy the beauty of everything here. Also, you can take wonderful photos. Now it’s 3:00 p.m. Please return to the bus in one and a half hours. Thank you.

资料名称: 淮安市文通中学2015-2016年九年级上期中英语试卷(A)含答案
文件大小: 272K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 牛津9A半期试题
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