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泽林牛津版7A Unit8 Fashion单元测试卷(A)含答案
上传者:   加入日期:15-11-12

泽林牛津版7A Unit8 Fashion单元测试卷(A)含答案
1. People plant_____(棉花)in many places of China.
2. The young like to wear trainers, because they are very_____(舒服的).
3. Daniel looks _____ (时髦的)in blue and yellow sports clothes.
4. What are you going to wear for the______(时装)show?
5. He lives in a house _______(在……中间)the trees.
6. All the radios are those______ (先生).
7. Look at the______ (模特)over there. They are fashionable.
8. Her hobbies______(包持)swimming and gardening.
9. Don’t______(借)money to Andy any more! He is a gambler(赌徒).
10.This coat feels _____(光滑的),so Tom likes it very much.
1. How much do you spend on the computers? (改为同义句)
How much _____ the computers _____ you?
2. He needs ten more people to finish the work. (改为同义句)
He needs _____ _____ people to finish the work.
3. You look cool in the white T-shirt. (改为同义句)
The white T-shirt _____ cool ______ you.
4. How do you like my new shoes? (改为同义句)
_____ do you_____ _____my new shoes?
5. Sandy looks very beautiful.(改为感叹句)
6. me,pair,feel,of,shoes,makes,this,comfortable,sports (.)(连词成句)
7. my,looks,cousin,in,dress,beautiful,pink,the,very (. ) (连词成句)
六、 句子翻译(每小题3 分,计 18 分)
1.    你觉得我的新自行车怎么样?
2.    好书在我校学生中受欢迎。
3.    杰克戴着紫色的领带看起来很神气。
4.    外面很冷,快穿上你的外套。
5.    他们两个都在等校车吗?
6.    你能把你的红色衬衫借给我参加时装表演吗?
七、 书面表达(20分)
    假如你想参加时尚俱乐部,你给俱乐部主席Mr Brown写一封信,介绍自己的情况。

资料名称: 泽林牛津版7A Unit8 Fashion单元测试卷(A)含答案
文件大小: 246K
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版本年级: 牛津7AUnit8
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