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1 M: Did you see the lovely Christmas trees?
W: Yes, they looked beautiful.
2. M: When do you usually get up?
W: I us ually get up at six. But I got up late today. I slept late. I got up two hours later.
3. M: Did your family watch TV last night?
W: My parents went shopping. And I stayed at home and watched a nice cartoon.
4. W: Jack, is the documentary about robots?
M: No, it isn’t. It’s about modern cars.
5. W: How about this orange T-shirt?
M: I think violet looks better on you. You can try this violet one.
6. M: How much is your new watch, Han Mei?
W: It's fifty yuan. I think it's cheap.
M: No, yours is expensive. My friend, John bought one like yours yesterday. It's fifteen y uan cheaper than yours.
7. W: David, you don’t like science, do you?
  M: Yes. I like science and music, but I think geography is boring.
8. M: Excuse me! Is this seat taken ?
  W: I’m afraid so. The boy went to take more books just now. You may take that one.
9. W: Are there any children on the playground?
M: Yes. Three are playing games. Two are running and five are playing soccer.
10. W: Is that tall man with long hair a murderer?
M: No, The strong man with short hair is a murderer.
第二部分  听对话和短文回答问题
.  W: Excuse me, is there a bank near here, please?
  M:A bank? Well, there's one in Sunshine Road and it’s next to a cafe.
      Have you ever been there?
  W: No, I’m new here. How can I get there?
  M: You can go there by bus. Bus NO. Eight.
  W: How far is the bank from here?
 M: About half an hour 's ride. You can take the bus in front of the library.
 W: Thank you very much!
  M: You're welcome.
Peter is a Grade Nine student. He is crazy about playing basketball. He often plays basketball with his friends after school. He spends about two hours on it every day. This term, because he spent too much time playing basketball, he didn’t do well in his Maths exams. His teacher told him, “It’s good to have hobbies, but it’s also important to study hard.”
Spring and autumn are good seasons for outdoor activities. If you like to go hiking, you must visit Zijin Mountains in the eastern part of Nanjing. Walking and climbing are fun, and you can enjoy the beautiful view of the country parks. But it is important to plan each of your activities very carefully.
Think of safety first. You should always take a first-aid box whenever you go hiking. Then you had better take something with you, such as food and drink s, a tent, sleeping bags, a map and so on.
You should never hike alone. When you are in a group, you should support and help each other. Hiking is a good chance for young people to learn team spirit.
You might meet snakes when you hike, so you should always wear long trousers. If you see a snake, you should not move, keep quiet and wait for it to go away. If you or somebody else has been bitten by a poisonous snake, you should not move the victim. You should tie a piece of cloth round the bite to stop the poison from spreading to other parts of the body. Then you should send for help as soon as possible.

资料名称: 靖城中学共同体2016届九年级上期中英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 7235K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9A半期试题
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