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第一部分  听对话回答问题
1. W: Where is your friend Kitty from?
  M: She is from China. 
2. W: How do you get to school every day, Tony?
  M: Usually by bus.
3. M: Can you play table tennis? 
W: Yes, we often play after school.
4. M: What time do you get up?
  W: Usually I get up at a quarter past six. But today I am 10 minutes late.
5. W: After school, I often do homework first. How about you, Andy?
  M: I often play games with my cousin first.
6. W: David, do you like reading?
  M: Yes. And I often go to the Reading Club in the afternoon.
7. M: Hi! Amy, Simon’s birthday is coming. What can I buy for him?
  W: Oh, Jack, you can buy a football for him. He likes playing it very much.
8. W: I hear you are good at football, Simon.
  M: That’s right. I enjoy dancing, too. But I don’t love reading books.
9. M: Can I have this book, Mum?
  W: Of course, I will buy it for you.
10. M: Do you practice volleyball every afternoon, Amy?
   W: Yes. I come here at 4:30 and have to go home at 6:00.
第二部分  听对话和短文回答问题
M: What do you like to do at weekends, Millie?
W: I like to go roller skating.
M: How often do you go roller skating?
W: About once a week. What about you, Tommy?
M: I like to draw in the park with my friends.
W: How often do you draw in the park?
M: About once a month.
W: That’s great!
Our school sports day is on Saturday. The first sport of the day is football at 10 o’clock. After that we have volleyball at 11:00 a.m., and then table tennis at 1:00 p.m. after lunch. The last sport of the day is swimming, but before that we have a basketball match at 2:00 p.m. I hope you all try your best and have a good time.
Dogs are people’s friends. They can help people a lot.
Curly is my black dog. He likes running and playing with me. Sometimes he goes out with  my father. One day my father takes off his coat and puts it on the ground under a big tree. Curly stands there and looks at him. My father says, “Watch my coat, Curly.”
     Curly sits down on the coat. Later my father wants to cook dinner for the family. So he goes home and forgets all about his coat and dog.
Late in the evening, Curly still doesn’t come back. Soon my father wants something in his coat. Quickly he goes back to the tree. What do you think he sees? Curly is still sitting on the coat!

资料名称: 泰州市姜堰区2015-2016学年七年级上期中英语试题及答案
文件大小: 795K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7A半期试题
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