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(     ) 1. There _______ some ants on the bread. We could not _______ our lunch.
A. were; eat             B. was; eat         C. were; ate
(     ) 2. My mother _______ drive the car last year, but she _______ do it now.
A. wasn’t; can          B. couldn’t; can      C. can’t; could
(     ) 3. —— _______ it rain last night?  —— Yes, there was a heavy rain.  
A. Did                B. was             C. Is  
(     ) 4. The new shoes are for you. Please _______.
A try on them           B. try them on      C. try it on
(     ) 5. _______ beautiful parrots! I want to buy one.
A. What               B. How            C.What’s
(     ) 6. Tina ________ Bobby about the fashion show now.
A. asked               B. asks            C. is asking
(     ) 7. —— _______ did you go to Nanjing ?  —— Took a train.
A. Where              B. How            C. When  
(     ) 8. Your father is waiting _______ you at the gate of the school now.
A. to                  B. on              C. for
(     ) 9. —— Can you _______?    —— Yes, T-o-n-y.
A. tell me your number   B. spell your name   C. show me your book
(     ) 10. —— Have a nice holiday!    —— _______.
A. That’s all right.       B. That’s OK.       C. Thanks very much.  
1. Last Saturday, it was __________ (cloud).
2. It’s __________ (he) turn now.
3. Liu Tao __________ (catch) some fish yesterday.
4. New Year is coming. All the children are getting very ______(excite).
5.There__________ (be) a lot of water in the bottle last night.
1. There were some birds and kikes in the tree. (改为否定句)
There _______ _______ birds or kites in the tree.
2. He did his homework too.(改为一般疑问句)
_______ he         his  homework         ?
3. I was at the Summer Palace  last Saturday .(对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ you last Saturday?
4. I watched a film last Sunday. (对画线部分提问)
      _   _       you _       last Sunday?
5. there, see, interesting, you, many, things, did  ( ? )(连词成句)
Two men wanted to______new clothes_____the king.
They __________ some ________ in the afternoon.
It was wonderful at ________, but then there was heavy _______.
Thirty years ago, we       letters and       the telephone to call our friends.
Bobby is still _______ _______ of the window.

资料名称: 2015年11月译林版六年级英语上册期中复习试题
文件大小: 43K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津6A期中复习
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