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上传者:   加入日期:15-11-18

(       )1.  A. They’re my clothes.       B. It was beautiful.       C. They’re beautiful.
(       )2.  A.  I lost my kite.         B. It’s on the desk.       C. It’s a kite.
(       )3.  A. Yes, it’s windy.           B. Yes, it’s sunny.      C. No, it’s sunny.
(       )4.  A. I go to Beijing.        B. I am in a park.        C. I played games.
(    )5. A.. It’s yellow.          B. It’s six o’clock.    C. It’s Sunday.
(   )1. A. She went shopping.  B. She made new clothes. C. She went shopping.
(   )2. A. She writes letters.   B. She wrote an e-mail.  C. She writes e-mails.
(   )3. A. It’s Thursday.     B. It’s the first of May. C. It’s half past two.
(   )4. A. No, she couldn’t.  B. Yes, she could.      C. Sorry, I don’t know.
(   )5. A. On the star farm.   B. Yes, it is.           C. A big fish.
(   )1. Tom is a student in Grade Six.
(   )2. There are twenty classes in his school.
(   )3. His school is near his home.
(   )4. He has four English lessons every week.
(   )5. He goes home at a quarter past four.

资料名称: 2015-2016学年度盐城市冈中小学英语六年级上期中试卷
文件大小: 3273K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津6A半期试题
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