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(  )26.My family will take a     to Beijing next summer holiday.
A.three-day visit   B. three day visit  C. three days visits  D. three -days visit
(  )27.It’s time for dinner. Let’s     the table
A. put    B. pick    C. lay    D. send
(  )28.In my opinion, you must have a strong    before you do anything.
A. idea   B. will    C. wish   D. hope
(  )29.He studies so hard.      He always gets the high marks.
A. As for    B. Because of   C.  According to    D. No wonder
(  )30.I      the Great Wall last week.
A. visit   B. visited   C. am visiting   D. have visited
(  )31.Where is Lily?— Look! She      tennis on the ground.
A. plays  B. played   C. is playing   D. was playing
(  )32.The earth      around the sun.
A. moves  B. moved   C. move   D. has moved
(  )33.     the boy is young , he reads a lot of books.
A. So  B. Though   C. But   D. Because
(  )34.—What’s your plan for the summer holidays?
         —I’ll go to Qinzhou      the holiday begins.
  A. in order that  B. so that   C. as soon as    D. even though
(  )35.—Tom, I’m watching a football match,What about you? —             
A. So do I.  B. So am I.  C. So I do.   D. So can I.
(  )36.     you don’t feel well,please go to the doctor.
 A. Although     B. So     C. Until     D. If
(  )37.Now in many public places, there is no      .
   A. spoke     B. smoking     C. smoke     D. smokes
(  )38.Physics     so interesting that we all likes it.
 A. are     B. am    C. is    D. was
(  )39. Hurry up,       you’ll be late for school!
 A. if     B. or    C. but   D. and
(  )40. December is         month of a year.
A. the twelfth    B.twelfth    C. twelve    D. the twelveth
 41. He’s realized his mistakes. Don’t        (惩罚)him.
42. I look forward to freedom. I have too many      规则)at home.
43.The Great Pyramid is a      奇迹)of the world.
44.Don’t forget to         (关掉)the lights after school.
45. Whatever she does, she never            .(放弃)
46.She is not          (clever) than anyone else.
47.Deng Yaping has       (win)many world competitions.
48.The police are looking for the          (miss) child.
49.Mrs Zhao is         (worry) about her weight all the time.
50.Most of my classmates can play        (music) instruments.

资料名称: 钦北区大寺二中2015年仁爱版九年级上期中英语试卷及答案
文件大小: 686K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版九年级上期中试卷
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