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听力部分  (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)
第一部分 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话听两遍
1. W: What a hot day, isn’t it?
  M: Yes. But the weather report says it will rain tomorrow.
2. M: In the USA, the president lives in the White House.
  W: It is a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees.
3. W: Sandy, you’re doing DIY. What else do you want to use?
  M: I’d like to use a knife.
4. W: Do you know something about Anne?
  M: Yes. She and her elder sister died of illness, and her father collected her diary and had it published after her death.
5. W: Let’s go for a walk in the countryside tomorrow.
  M: That sounds like a good idea!
6. M: Oh, Mary, I don’t know the meaning of this new word.
  W: Why not look it up in the dictionary?
7. W: What would you do if you found a wallet?
  M: I’d look for the owner. What about you?
  W: I would give it to the police.
8. W: Can I help you?
  M: Yes. My flight number is CA 7492. Which gate should I go to?
  W: Gate 14.
  M: Thanks a lot.
9. M: I still have to buy some tickets for tomorrow’s concert.
  W: There may be none by now. They’ve been on sale for a week and the singer is very famous.
10. M: Mrs. Black, why do you look so happy?
   W: I had expected to sell 30 books. But I sold twice as many.
第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题
W: I like your flat.
M: What do you like about it?
W: It’s high up. You can see such a long way from the balcony.
M: That’s right. The view from up here is amazing. What else do you like?
W: It never gets too hot.
M: Yes. Even when it’s hot, I don’t need a fan. What don’t you like?
W: It takes a long time to get here, even in the lift. What happens when you have to climb the stairs?
M: It helps to keep fit!
My grandpa has a pair of reading glasses. He needs the glasses because he can’t see small words. Every morning he enjoys reading the newspaper. Later he reads a magazine about film stars. Then he reads emails on his computer. He also needs to read his cooking guide. When Grandpa drives to the supermarket, he sometimes can’t find his glasses. When he goes inside the car to look at his shopping list, he realizes they’re gone! However, Grandpa knows where they are! They’re usually between the car seats because they often drop out of his pocket. Be careful, Grandpa!
I’ve been a travel writer for twenty years. I started traveling when I was 21 years old. have had many interesting experiences. The first country I went to is Mexico. I even studied Spanish for six months in Mexico City. Then I traveled to other parts of Mexico, and all over South America. My favorite country is Australia. I think it is a fascinating land. It has great beaches, high mountains, and forests with lots of wonderful animals.
What other countries have I been to? Well, I’ve been to most parts of Asia. I spent three years in China, and I lived in India for five years. But I’ve never been to Japan. My friends tell me things there are really expensive.

资料名称: 盐城市景山中学2016届九年级上期中英语试卷有听力MP3
文件大小: 12784K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9A半期试题
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