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Learn some new words about seasons, weather, days, months and holidays.
Know the difference in weather, holidays and so on between China and other countries.
1) Some new words and phrases.
2) Some knowledge about season and weather
Lesson 37: Seasons and Weather
Class Opening 
1. Give the standard greeting to welcome students to English class.
2. Ask and answer
What day is it today?
How is the weather?
What season do you like?
Key concepts
Part I What season do you like
Step I Guessing Game
1. Show some pictures to the students and ask the students to guess which season it is.
1) What can you see in the picture?
2) What season is it?
2. After the game, the teacher and the students do some ask and answer practice about seasons, such as:
How many seasons are there in a year?
What are they?
What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter?
Step II New Concepts
1. Learn all the new words and explain some language points.
2 .Read and remember all the new words.
Step III Listen and read
1. Listen and Match
Listen to the first part and do No.1 on Page 99.
2. Read and Answer!
1) Read part 1 as quickly as possible and do No.2 on page 99.
2) Read part 1 again and answer the questions:
  Who is in the story?
  What are they talking about?
  What weather does Wang Mei /Li Ming/Li Lin like best? Why?
3. Read and Act out!
The teacher asks the students to read part 1 in pairs and act it out in the class!
Step IV Grammar Explaining
Explain the grammar of “it”.
Use Chinese if necessary.
Part II How is the weather?
Step I Enjoy an English Poem
1. Listen to part 2
2. Read aloud with it.
Step II Memory Game---What we heard just now?
1. The teacher first shows the pictures and three questions:
What day is it today?
How is the weather?
What can we do?
2. The teacher asks the students to answer all the questions without books.
3. Chant this poem aloud.
Step III Class activities
I. Survey and Report
Help the students do a survey by asking and answering in English in a group of ten.
The question is: What weather do you like best?
Instruct the students to report the result to the class like this:
In our group, ______(数字)students like the _______(sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy/snowy) days.
So, most students like _____ days in our group.
II. Work in pairs.
Work in pairs and do the No.4 on Page 99.
A: what do you like to do in summer?
B:I like to go swimming and eat ice cream. What about you?
A: I like to...
Class Closing
1. Complete No.4 on Page 99.
2. Do No.3 on Page 99.
3. Read the text and recite all the new words.

资料名称: 冀教版七年级英语上册第七单元Lesson37课件+教案
文件大小: 4340K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 冀教版七年级上Unit7
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