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61. What a pity! All my plans ____________(cancel) if it rains tomorrow.
62. The audience can enjoy young ____(direct) films from different countries.
63. The novel was later         into a play. (make)
64. The local clubs are making     (effort) to interest more young people.
65. We can change ourselves by controlling ________(think), feelings and memories.
66. He was an _________(usual) man with great business gift because he made $10.000 when he was 12.
67. __________(music) from different countries around the world bring all kinds of works with strong local color to the art festival every year.
68. In many western countries heavy ___________(工业) is high developed.
69. UNICEF is one of the best-known        (慈善机 构)that help poor children around the world.
70. Jackie Chen is __________(认为) as a superstar by many people all over the world.

资料名称: 扬中市2016届九年级上第二次阶段考试英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 3493K
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版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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