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第二卷 非选择题(共60分)
46. I ________ (弄错) the number and went to the wrong room.
47. The young man is one of the most famous _____(法国)writers.
48. It’s _____ (超过)my control to deal with everything.
49.She has acted in many successful films_______(包括) Roman Holiday, Funny face and so on.
50. Gong Li is one of my favourite ________ (演员).
51.Horror films seem ________ (be) full of mystery.
52.We found the films ________ (it) very interesting.
53.Why not consider ________ (do) it in another way? Maybe you’ll succeed.
54.Kitty is always the first one ________ (arrive) at school.
55. Although he is not handsome, many people find him far _________ (attract).

资料名称: 南京市第四十中学九年级上Unit7单元试题
文件大小: 104K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit7
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