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1. I think Guo Jingming is one of the greatest _________  in China today(讲故事的人).
2. This scientist kept working on his ideas all his _________(终身)
3. Our success went _________what we had expected(超出).
4. The students all stood up when the teacher _______the classroom(进入).
5. I heard the steel _______________  was not going well last year(工业).
6. Yang Liping is one of the most famous     in China (dance).
7. The elegant lady made a guest _______________  on Mr Smith’s TV show (appear).
8. The young lady’s death is a great _______________ to her fans(lose).
9. He can get the prize if he pass the _______________challenge (finally).
10. Jianhu, a green city, is a _________ place for people to live in (please).

资料名称: 泽林牛津版九年级上期末考试模拟试卷有答案
文件大小: 126K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9A期末复习
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