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牛津9A Units5-6单测试卷有答案
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牛津9A Units5-6单测试卷有答案
71.  The Chinese writer has got a lot of fans in France. His new works _______      (translate) into French as soon as it comes out. 
72.  During my stay in Hangzhou, if I have time, I _________ (visit) one of my old friends in      the countryside.
73.  My cousin won’t borrow the article on the difference cultures between the East and the     West because she ________ (read) it.
74.  The robots will be made ________ (deal) with such things in the office instead of people in China.
75.  They will set up a English club _________ (practice) learning spoken English.
76. Some people all over China grew up __________ (listen) to 'Three Character Classic  《三字经》' in the the ancient times. 
77. 为了获奖,人们可以在颁奖仪式的时候发短信到1396 。
People can ___________________________________________ the towards show.
78. 他们跑向那三位男子,企图阻止他们溜走。
They ___________ the three men and tried ____________________.
79. 我认为一些电视广告真的那么有创意,看它们并不是让费时间,
I think some TV ads are ________________________________________.
80. 除非车辆很多,否则我们会在上午9:30左右赶到录音制作室。
We’ll _____________________________________________ very heavy.
81. 我已经执迷于彩色蜡笔和绘画。每次画画时我都会在色彩的世界里感到非常愉快。
I ________________________ crayons and paints. I ________________ every time.
82. 话剧持续了一个半小时。我们一点也感觉无聊因为它确实很精彩。
The opera ___________________. We ___________ because it was really wonderful.
我们的校园生活是丰富多彩的,校园艺术节一定是我们最难忘的记忆。请你以“A wonderful School Art Festival”。

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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit6
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