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泽林牛津版8A Unit3阶段性测试英语试卷及答案
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泽林牛津版8A Unit3阶段性测试英语试卷及答案
Paper Two  Vocabulary and Grammar 36%
I.Choose the best answer. (15%)选择:
(   )26. ______ old lady in red takes ______ active part in the community activities.
       A  An…an   B  An…/    C The…an     D The…the
(   )27. After a ten-day trip they arrived in Tokyo ______ December 3, 2007.
             A) to                  B) in                         C) on                        D) for
(   )28.The musical “Cat” was a big hit. ______ people went to the Grand Theater to watch it.
             A) Two thousands of  B) Two thousand of  C) Thousands of  D) Thousand of      
(   )29. Is there ______ to discuss at this meeting?
A) something important                       B) anything important
C) important something                        D) important anything
(   )30. Two _____ from Beijing are enjoying the night views in Shanghai from the TV tower.
       A. women teachers  B. woman teachers  C. women teacher  D. woman teacher
(   ) 31.____ exciting thing Paul wrote in his diary!
       A. How     B. How a       C. What     D. What an
(   )32. Lucy did well in the exam. She made _____ mistakes.
       A . few        B. a few    C. a little      D. little
(   )33 .There _____ a sports meeting in our school next week.
       A. will have     B. have     C. will be     D. is

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版本年级: 牛津8AUnit3
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