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上传者:   加入日期:15-12-24

1. They like computer games.
2. My sister has a yellow hat.
3. Let’s buy some fruit, Mom.
4. How much is this egg?
5. Does she have a tennis ball?
6. Who likes oranges?
7. How much is this T-shirt?
8. What color do you want?
9. What does your brother have for dinner?
10. Is the model plane yours?
11. W: Frank, do you have a baseball?
M: No, I don’t, Helen. But Peter has one.
Q: Who has a baseball?
12. W: Tom, basketball is not easy for me. Let’s play ping-pong.
M: That sounds interesting, Alice.
Q: What is not easy for Alice?
13. W: How much are those black trousers?
M: 16 dollars.
Q: How much are those black trousers?
14. W: Do you like strawberries, Bill?
M: No, I don’t. But my brother John likes them.
Q: Who likes strawberries?
15. W: What do you eat for lunch, Jack?
M: Bread and chicken.
Q: What does Jack eat for lunch?
16 -17
M: Can I help you?
W: Yes, please. I need a sweater. How much is the yellow one?
M: It is only 15 dollars.
W: Great. I’ll take it.
18 -20
W: Hello, David. Do you like eggs for breakfast?
M: No, Kate. But I like tomatoes for breakfast.
W: Do you like strawberries?
M: I like strawberries after lunch.
W: I want to eat hamburgers for dinner. Do you like them?
M: Yes, let’s have hamburgers then.
I’m Peter. Eric is my cousin. He always watches TV in the evening. He thinks it is interesting. He likes sports. He has two basketballs and four ping-pong balls. He has a baseball and three volleyballs, too. He plays sports at school with his friends. We are in the same school.

资料名称: 平南县2015-2016学年七年级上12月月考英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 2473K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 新目标七年级上月考试卷
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