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牛津译林版7A Unit7单元测试卷含答案
上传者:   加入日期:15-12-28



1. —How many ________(分钟) are there in an hour?      —There are 60.

2. Do these clips ________(……相配) her favorite T-shirt?

3. Hello! Daniel. Are you ________ (空闲的)at the moment?

4. How much is this ________ () of sports shoes?

5. The scarf  ________(花费) much.

6.Do you have ___________(足够的)money to buy the football?

7.The music box is too______________(昂贵的).

8.Sandy is ___________(付钱)for her new coat.

9.The dress ___________(合身)you very well.

10.Judy often ____________(邀请)me to her home.


1. Look! Whose ________ (Walkman) are these? Perhaps they are the twins’.

2. Is there an ________ (electric) shop in your town?

3. Amy wants to buy some presents for ________ (they).

4. My classmates are from different___________ (country).

5. Do you like to have cold ________ (drink)?  

6.We usually go ________ ( shop ) on Sundays.

7. Listen !  Someone is ________ ( knock )at the door.

8. Would you please show ________ ( I ) your pictures?

9. There ________ ( be ) a pair of shoes on the shelf.  

10. I have many ________ ( kind ) of books.

资料名称: 牛津译林版7A Unit7单元测试卷含答案
文件大小: 50K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7AUnit7
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