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A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,使句子的意思完整、正确,每空一词。
1. Our city is trying best to develop the tourist      (产业)now.
2. My grandmother died      (宁静地) in the old house at the age of 101.
3. Our school      (取消)the sports meeting yesterday because of the bad weather.
4.  I just don’t know why he has so many      (仇人)?
5.  I will      (或许) go to Beijing for an important meeting.
6. Gong Li is one of my best      (act) in China.
7. The pair of shoes beside the door is the      (dance), I think.
8. All the students decided to have a further discussion to make the      (finally) decision.
9. Bad luck. My new watch has gone      (miss).
10. The      (true) is that he failed to pass the English exam again.
11. When I got to the train station, the train      (leave).
12. You’d better      (not take) so much money with you when you are on holiday.
13. Time seems      (go) faster when we are playing computer games.
14.  It’s 7:40 now. He was in a hurry      (catch)the bus.
15. The teacher who      (teach) you English last term will come tomorrow.

资料名称: 南京市2015年12月九年级上英语月考试卷含答案
文件大小: 128K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9A月考试卷
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