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译林版9A Unit4 Growing up单元测试卷(B)含答案
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译林版9A Unit4 Growing up单元测试卷(B)含答案
 1.The________ (德国的)football team beat the French one in the World Cup.
 2.I hope the results of my       ________ (调查)will be of some value to you.
3.It doesn’t ________ (要紧)that the weather is bad.
4.Her face showed________ (惊奇)at the good news.
5.Every student has a dream to go to ________ (大学)for further study.
 6.Do you have the ________ (勇气)to tell the teacher that you broke the window?
7.I finally finished my report on wild animals________ (凭借)hard work.
 8.Do you have any______  (想法)about our next holiday?
9.Three bad men broke in and the shopkeeper was ________ (迫使)to hand over all his money.
10.—Only hard work can let you ________, Tom.
—I know,Dad. As it says,“No pains,no gains”.
11.—Do you know when the anti-Japanese war _______out?
—In 1937. It lasted for 8 years.
12.—How much do you know about Nieer?
—He wrote our ________song,Chee Lai.
根据下列提示,以“The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most”为题,写—篇短文。1.影响我最大的是我的妈妈,她将近四十岁,在当地一家银行工作。2.她总是全家起得最早,睡得最晚的人,操持家里的一切家务。3.她很有爱心,只要有时间多余,总会去医院做志愿者或……4.我认为…….

资料名称: 译林版9A Unit4 Growing up单元测试卷(B)含答案
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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit4
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