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2015-2016学年牛津8A Unit7 Study skills课件+导学案
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2015-2016学年牛津译林版八年级英语上Unit7 Study skills课件+导学案
【导入新课】Show some pictures to learn some new words.
【板书课题】Unit7 Speak up & Study skills
1.To learn the uses of changing adjectives from nouns by adding -y .
2. To use the adjectives to describe the weather.
Task1 Listen and answer
1.What was the weather like in Beijing yesterday?
  There was a strong snowstorm in Beijing yesterday.
2. How’s the weather in Nanjing?
  It’s a bit cold and dry.
Make your own dialogue.
Task2 What’s the weather like?
The sun is shining brightly.
It is________.
The rain is too heavy. It’s a ______ day.
In the afternoon, it is _______.
How big the storm is!
There are many clouds in the sky.
It is ________.
The wind blows hard.
The weather is _______.      
There is terrible fog.
It is _______.
Look! They are walking in the snow.
Today is ________.
The suffix -y
We can add the suffix –y to some nouns to form adjectives. The suffix –y means “having the quality of ”.
Task3  Conclusion
Millie is writing about the weather
in Beijing. Complete her article with
the help of the pictures and the 
words in the box.

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