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(   ) 1. A. afraid                 B. angry                    C. amazing
(   ) 2. A. taxi                    B. trip                     C. ship
(   ) 3. A. pilot                   B. postman               C. police officer
(   ) 4. A. stop                   B. slow                    C. stay
(   ) 5. A. No.57           B. No.75          C. No.51
(   )1. A. On foot.             B. By bike.           C. By bus.
(   )2. A. An fisherman.        B. A police officer.     C. A coach.
(   )3. A. Doing kung fu.      B. Reading stories.     C. Writing an email.
(   )4. A. Behind the cinema.  B. Near the cinema. C. In front of the cinema.
(   )5. A . He feels better.         B. I feel better.         C. She's sick.
.听对话, 判断正“T”“F”.10分)
(   ) 1. Mike should see a doctor in the morning.
(   ) 2. My mother works near the sea.
(   ) 3. My brother is a postman.
(   ) 4. Peter likes doing kung fu and swimming.
(   ) 5. We are going to Beijing next Tuesday.
.听录音, 把下列句子补充完整.10分)
1. The           is behind to the science museum.
2. My uncle is a                     .
3. She likes science. She wants to be a           .
4. I usually go to the hospital to                   
5. —What are you going to do tonight? —I’m going to                .

资料名称: 潮南区图南学校2015年六年级上英语第四次月考试题及答案
文件大小: 65K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 人教版六年级上月考试卷
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