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1. ____________(突然地),a white rabbit ran by.
2. The students are _______________(准备) for the coming exams.
3. The city is getting bigger and bigger, so it needs better public ____________(服务).
4. China’s population is about _________________(五分之一) of the world’s population.
5. Population increase is one of the biggest _______________(问题) in many countries.
6. It will _____________(可能) be rainy and cold tomorrow.
7. It is much colder today ______________(和-----相比较) to yesterday.
8. Students should pay more_______________(注意) to their own health.
9. In order to save the boy, he jumped into the river _____________(勇敢地)..
10. The _____________(温度) of today is about minus 2 to 10 degrees.
1. ----What _______ you __________( do ) at nine o’clock last night?
  -----I ______________(watch) TV then.
2. The Greens ______________(have ) dinner when I arrived yesterday.
3. I saw Tony ___________ (write) something when I walked by his room.
4. They decided ____________( choose) some good books for their students.
5. If it __________(not rain), I will go to Beijing for a meeting.
6. How long does it take you _________(get) to Beijing by train?
7. It’s possible for him __________( finish) the work in such a short time.
8. It will be _________(wind) in Shanghai tomorrow.
9. Please hurry. You’d better ____________(not be) late for the class.
10. There is no place ___________(buy) a good camera in the country.
i. 写出下列词组(10’)
1.站成一排_______________2. 没啥奇怪的________________3.无事可做__________
ii. 根据提示完成下列句子 (10’)
1.      参观北京最好的时间是在九月份。( to do)
2. 他可能听见你说话有困难。(have trouble)
3. 然而,钱能帮助解决所有的这些问题吗?( help do )
4.      当我到家的时候,我妈妈正在做饭。(when)
5.      在新年的第一天,你们不可以打扫卫生的。(mustn’t)

资料名称: 2015-2016年外研版八年级英语1月期末模拟考试卷有答案
文件大小: 79K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版八年级上期末复习
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