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上传者:   加入日期:16-01-16

1、candy  2、chicken  3、light
4、doctor  5、glasses  6、parents
7、kitchen  8、driver  9、notebook
1、chicken  2、shoes  3、puppy
4、cousin  5、Chinese  6、aunt
7、light  8、What’s his name?
1、Use the fork.
2、He is a baseball player.
3、Put your maths book under your schoolbag.
4、My uncle is tall and thin.
5、My family has five people.
6、Close the window.
7、I’d like some vegetables and soup.
8、She is a doctor.
1、She is a nurse.
2、Let’s clean the classroom.
3、The fish is 8 yuan.
4、This is my baby brother.
5、Go to the bedroom. Have a nap.
6、She has long hair.
1、/ ei / cake  2、/ EU / note  3、/ ju: / use
4、/ ai / nine  5、/ ai / kite
1、My schoolbag is white and blue.
2、Come and meet my family.
3、The keys are in the door.
4、His shoes are blue.
5、I’d like some beef and vegetables.
6、Let’s clean the classroom.
1、My father is a doctor.
2、What would you like for dinner?
3、The chicken is in the kitchen.
4、My uncle is a football player.
5、We have a new classroom.
1、Would you like some noodles?
2、What would you like for dinner?
3、What’s in your schoolbag?
4、Are they on the sofa?
5、What’s his job?
6、Who’s she?
This is my good friend. Her name is Chen Ling. She is 13 years old. Chen Ling is a quiet girl. She is tall and thin. She has long hair and big eyes. She has glasses , and her shoes are blue. She has a sister, Chen Jie. Chen Jie is short and thin. She has short hair. Her shoes are green. They go to school together everyday.

资料名称: 2015-2016学年新版PEP小学四年级英语上期末练习试卷
文件大小: 2999K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 人教版四年级上期末复习
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 2015年pep四年级英语上册复习试题(三) 16-01-08

 2015年pep四年级英语上册复习试题(二) 16-01-08

 2015年pep四年级英语上册复习试题(一) 16-01-08

 2015-2016学年PEP新版英语四年级上期末总复习题(二) 16-01-08


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