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1. To tell the _____________ (true), I am a little afraid of going out alone at night.
2. Be careful with the tools there, children. They may hurt _____________(you).
3. How can you leave this place much _________(tidy) than before? Would you please clean it up?
4. We hope that China will be one of the _______________(wealth) nations in the near future.
5. Pay attention! All these words shouldn’t be pronounced ________________ (correct). 
6. The woman was calm enough to stop the man _____________(commit) crime and saved herself.
7. Who put up the __________(draw) that have been sold out on the wall again?
8. The company he devoted much time to__________(prove) to be a success a few years ago.
9. While we were out, someone walked in and _____________(偷窃) the jewels!
10. Don’t throw the small stones like that. You may _______________(使受伤) someone.
11.I ______________(猜想) none of them are willing to take the task.
12.The police have confirmed that the false information was from one of his ___________(仇人).
13. Can you think of any ________(安全)tips to protect yourselves against crimes?
14. I always see the old _____________(夫妇) take a walk hand in hand after supper on the sideway.
1. The novels my mother is reading ___________________ (write) in the 1990s.
2.--How excited you look !
 -- Good news. The police _________________(find) out who the murderer is.
3.-- What do you think __________________ (do) next to reduce the pollution by the government?
  -- I’m sorry. I have no idea.
4.No other students except Jim were seen _____________(use) the book when Mr.Li saw him .
5.-- Do you know why Mr. Wu looks so busy and tired these days?
 -- Yes. I think he has many problems________________(solve).

资料名称: 镇江市2015-2016年九年级上英语Unit8单元试卷含答案
文件大小: 27K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit8
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