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Success comes from good habits. The most important reason that helps you succeed is what you do every day. Your habits are so important that they will decide whether you are successful or not. If you have strong and healthy habits, it does not matter whether you f   1    today or not because you are sure to succeed in the future. Having positive(积极的) habits does not mean that you will succeed every time. However, in the future, there is no d  2   that you will achieve your goals and f  3  be successful. A positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated one thousand times will have an important i  4   on your life. For example, if you listen to English only one time, you will not see a big d  5   in your English study. However, if you listen to English one thousand times over five years’ time, you will find you’ve made p  6   in English. The same is with health, relationships, work and school.
Everybody can change. A  7  it takes is courage and persistence(毅力). Decide right now to improve your life by c  8  your habits. Take actions right now! Don’t be afraid. You will probably make m  9  along the way, but don’t forget that success is there for you if you have good habits in your life. N  10  give up, success will be yours.
1.          2.            3.               4.               5.              
6.            7.             8.              9.               10.              

资料名称: 2015-2016学年南通市九年级上期末复习试题——短文填空
文件大小: 83K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9A期末复习
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