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1.It’s our turn to take some _____ (行动)to help the animals.
2.The ___________ (松鼠) like to save some food before winter comes.
3.The teacher is making a_______(报告) on animals in the hall.
4. Zhang Ziyi_______(表演) in the film The Road Home and became famous.
5. 1'11 be back in a little_______(一会儿). Stay here and wait for me.
6. Michael Jackson_______(去世) at the age of 50.
7. He_______(接受) this job and worked very hard to make money.
8. Animals have different habits from_______(人类).
9. It's a_______(羞愧) that I misunderstood(误解) you without chatting with you.
10. Maybe someday these animals will be    _______ (无处)to be found
11. Doing eye exercises is good for _____ (保护)our eyes.
12. Listen to me,_______(否则,要不然),you’ll regret(后悔).
13. Only one of the rooms _____(面对)south,so I don’t like it.
14.______(令人遗憾地),wild animals face ______(bad or dangerous) problems in the wild.
15.Some _____     (People who catch animals for fun or food)changed their jobs
16.The police are looking for the _________(missing) girl.
17. -I am going to study hard from now on.
- _______ speak louder than words. You should do it instead of saying.
18.—What do you do for a ____    _?      一By selling newspapers.
19. -Could you please drive more ______  _? It's too fast.
20. -The house is on fire! What should we do? --We should call 119 _______ away!
1. They had a good time _______ (stay) with you.
2. There are fewer and fewer ________ (wolf) in the wild.
3. 'Do you enjoy_______(be) with us?' they asked me.
4. When the boy was five years old, his ________ (weigh) was over 20 kilograms.
5. Don't keep me_______(wait) for you for a long time every time.
6. An hour ago my mum ________(loss) her purse with a lot of money in it.
7 The boy is too young to know the ________ (dangerous) of smoking.
8. I think climbing is _________ (excite) than jogging.
9. What places will he choose ________ (visit) during the holiday?
10. Because of the man’s ________ (kind), Mary found her home.
11. ________(luck), he got 59 scores and didn’t pass the exam in the end.
12. It is ________(terrible) cold today, so you’ d better put on more clothes.
13. Jim doesn’t have a large ________ (collect) of stamps.
14. Would you please ______________(not buy) fur coats any more?
15. Look! How wonderfully the children___________ (dance)
1. 我永远不会忘记第一次遇见你的时候。
I’ll never forget meeting you ______  ______  ______  ______.
2. 因为大雨,他们没能赶上火车。
They _______ _______catch the train because _______ the _______ rain  yesterday.
Now the price of the flats is getting ______ ______ ________, many people have no place _______ _________.
They have _________  _____   _  ___________ and  __________.
5. 熊喜欢白天缓慢地四处走动。
Bears like to _______ _______ _______ in the daytime.

资料名称: 沭阳县2015-2016学年度八年级上Unit5单元练习有答案
文件大小: 78K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit5
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