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A. 根据汉语或音标提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(每空限一词)。
76. People in the west like ____________(庆祝) Christmas.
77. Some children like ____________(糖). It’s bad to us.
78. Fruit is good for our ____________(健康).
79. Jane ______ (练习) speaking English every morning.
80.Jay Chou is one of the most ____(受喜爱的) singers in China now.
B. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。
81. My father asks me to cut the apple into two_______(half)
82. How ______ (happy) the boy with glasses sings!
83. Young people think trainers make them feel ______(comfort).
84. Look,he _______(lie) on the floor with an apple in his hand.
85.Your coat ___________ well with your shoes. (match)
86.Would you like to do some ____________  with me this afternoon? (shop)
87. Do you know these ________(hero)names?
88. The lion dance is very _____________(interest) every year.
89.____________ the Chinese New Year is very exciting. (celebrate)
90.My family will hold a party for my father’s ____________ birthday. (forty)
91. We need some bananas. (改为否定句)
We ____________ need ____________ bananas.
92. How do you like our school?(同义句转换)
What do you ____________ ____________ our school?
93. The comic book costs him 50 yuan.(同义句转换)
He _________ 50 yuan ________ the comic book.
94. The black schoolbag is for the boy in the room. (对划线部分提问)
____________ ____________ is for the boy in the room?
95. Tom is getting things ready for the party all the afternoon. (对划线部分提问)
____________ Tom ____________ all the afternoon?

资料名称: 泰州市姜堰区2015-2016学年七年级上期末英语试题含答案
文件大小: 442K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7A期末试题
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