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66. ----- Where’s your schoolbag?
------ It’s under the d_______.
67. I think ping—pong is e_______, but tennis is difficult.
68. This T- s______ is nice.
69. C_______ Mike at 826—6519.
70. Big is the opposite (相反的) of s_________.
71. Mr. Smith lives in __________ (中国) now.
72. Tom is __________ (十二) years old.
73. Mr. Green must ___________ (找到) his dog.
74. I’ll go to the park with my friends this ______________ ( 星期日 ).
75. These are Gina’s ______________ (父母).
76. The books _________ (be) Lily’s.
77. Whose __________ (key) are these ?
78. This is my aunt. ___________ (she) name is Helen.
79. Let’s ___________ (play) soccer this afternoon.
80. Is this your _______________ (grandparent) dog ?
81. Computers are ___________ ( use ) to students .
82. I think they’re really nice _____________ (women).
83. I have two story books. I like ____________ ( they ).
84. Those foods are _____________ (health) and delicious(美味的).
85. My brother ________ (go) to work early every day.

资料名称: 北海市2015-2016学年七年级上英语期末考试题含答案
文件大小: 216K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 新目标七年级上期末试题
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