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66.  Her hard work made a name for herself as one of the best          (演员).
67.  The man          (谋杀)in his own house proved to be a famous professor.
68.  What he writes in his books has a          (持久的)influence on teenagers.
69.  My parents have been even          (严厉)with me than before since last year.
70.  I'd like to have a          (单个的)room as I like to be quiet.
71.  The Little boy cut his finger carelessly and          (流血)a Lot.
72.  A new computer system was          (成功)developed by the young engineer.
73.  The Great Wall runs for over 6,000 kilometres across northern China, with       (瞭望塔)every few hundred metres.
74.  Why can't you work          (和平)with each other?
75.  How many          (奖牌)do you think he can win at the next Olympic Games?
76.  What a good time I have          (联系)my best friend online every weekend!
77.  ─ What about your trip to the European country? ─ In fact, I have          it because the cost is too high.
78.  ─ I really want to watch the match tonight. But I have to prepare for my exam at that time.
    ─ You can have it          and then watch it later.
79.  ─ I feel bad because I failed in the driving test again.
    ─ Nothing is difficult in the world          you lose heart.
80.  ─ Do you think it is strange to see such a mistake?
    ─ Not at all! It is a          mistake among students.
81.  这次旅行虽然累人,但是很愉快。
82.  我认为动作片不如科幻电影有趣。
83.  这些音乐家为什么高度赞扬他的作品?
84.  那些漂亮的景点值得参观。
85.  他学习如此用功,在化学上取得了很大进步。

资料名称: 江苏省常熟市2015一2016学年初三上英语期末考试试卷
文件大小: 386K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9A期末试题
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