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1. Please knock at the door before ____________(进入)the room.
2. Here is some _________(建议)about friendship, which may be of some help to you.
3. In 1989, Audrey made her final ____________(出现) in films.
4. Though Mr Shi got a lot on his mind, he ______(答复)to the girl’s e-mail as soon as he received it.
5. She will put all her ___________(努力) into learning English because she is weak at it.
6.It was in his __________(forty)that Liu Cixin completed his famous novel Three bodies.
7. The garden looks _____________(attract).
8. The Chinese people are willing to get on with other countries ___________(peace).
9. How can I stop him          (go) there alone?
10. You can't watch TV until your homework is _________(finish).
11. Not only he but also his parents___________(be) to the USA many times.
12. Jill is often_________(mistake) for her sister.
3有两只蝴蝶在花丛中飞舞.  ___________________________________________________________________
4 这个会议是如此的无聊以至于我都睡着了。______________________________________________________

资料名称: 2015-2016年九年级上英语unit7单元检测试卷有部分答案
文件大小: 99K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9Aunit7
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