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南京市六合区程桥镇9A Unit5基础题专练(有答案)
上传者:   加入日期:16-02-07

江苏省南京市六合区程桥镇9A Unit5 基础题专练(有答案)
17.Well done! We are the __________________ (获胜者) in the race.
18.Liu Huan is one of my favorite ____________________ (音乐家).
19.There are a lot of ________________(tradition)snacks .
20.Without__________________(say) goodbye, he left the room in a hurry.
21.You should knock at the door before____________ (enter) the room.
22There are many  ______    (west)restaurants along the Renmin Road.
23. There is a________________(分割,划分)line between you and me.
24. I decided to play the _________________ (小提琴) at the party.
25. we should get close to ________________(自然)and enjoy its beauty.
26. I hope we can make a       __ ________  (决定) today..
27. the drama has been on for 5 minutes,but Amy did not     ___       (出现)
28. It took me a long time to    ____       (choice) a present for my mother’s 50th birthday.
29. My father suggests _______________(leave) for the airport in his car at once.
30. we didn’t get ________________(boring) at all because the drama was interesting.
31. Tan Dun doesn’t use any musical _________________ (乐器)in his work.
32. _____________(尽管) he has read the book three times, he hopes to read it.
33. Ability and effort are conditions of_____________________(成功) 3
34. My music is to dream without _____________________ (国界,边界).

资料名称: 南京市六合区程桥镇9A Unit5基础题专练(有答案)
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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit5
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