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IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词
的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8 分)
54. This is a new building and my office is on the    floor. (five)
55. Shakespeare was one of the greatest i   n the world. (write)
56. Monday is my    day in a week. (busy)
57. Traffic was    stopped after the earthquake. (complete)
58. Why not    the discussion to solve the traffic problem? (wide)
59. Pudong is    to Puxi by several bridges. (connection)
60. I don’t see the    of the plan to do so much homework at a time. (wise)
61. His small farm was in worse condition than any    farm in that area. (neighbour)
V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据给要求,改写下列句子。62-67 题,
每空格限填一词。68 题注意句首大写)(共14 分)
62. Both of Mary’s parents work in this hospital.(改为否定句)
   of Mary’s parents    in this hospital.
63. We can save water by fixing dripping taps.(对划线部分提问)
        we save water?
64. We will build a new Disneyland in Pudong New Area.(改为被动语态)
A new Disneyland will         in Pudong New Area.
65. Don’t pick the flowers in the garden.(改成反意疑问句)
Don’t pick the flowers In the garden,         ?
66. The train has arrived here. It arrived here two hours ago.(合择为一句)
The train         here for two hours.
67. Mr. Green was surprised that his son didn’t tell anyone that he was staying out late.(保持句意
To Mr. Green’s    , no one was    of his son’s staying out late.
68. month, RMB 600, allowance, is, father’s, a ,my(连词成句)

资料名称: 上海市宝山区2016届九年级上期末质量英语试题含答案解析
文件大小: 660K
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版本年级: 上海牛津版9A期末试卷
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