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牛津译林版七年级英语下Unit1 Reading(1)导学案
上传者:   加入日期:16-02-24

牛津译林版七年级英语下Unit1 Dream homes Reading(1)导学案
 Revise the names of some countries and capitals, asking some questions.
e.g . Where would you like to live?
   Would you like to live in …?
【板书课题】    Reading(1)
1.To learn about homes in different countries
2.Learn how to describe different homes
Presentation (show Guide One to the students.)
1.Present some new words, like Balcony, sitting room.
2.  complete Part B1.
3.  Present the text
    Say something about dream homes.
Task2  Fast reading
Get the students read the text quickly.
Task3. Careful reading .
1.Read Passage1 carefully, answer some questions.
     (1) Where does he live?
     (2)Which is his favourite place, the garden or the kitchen?
2. Read Passage 2 carefully, fill in the blanks.
3.  Anna’s ________
Location (位置)      On the ________ floor, in the _______ of Moscow
Size (大小)           It is a _______ house.
Favourite place        We like to _______ TV and _______ in the _     ______ room.
Task4. Read Passage 3 carefully then fill in the blanks.
Stephen has a _____ house in Los Angeles. It has _____ rooms. His favorite place is the _______. He can see the _____ and the ___ from there.
Judge” T or F.”    (complete Part B3)
Read the text again carefully, Retell
 the text according to the key words.
Task6   Discussion
Get the students discuss their dream
homes in groups.
1.      homes around the world
2.      a town 15 miles from London
3.      enjoy a cup of tea
4.      have fun with my dog
5.      listen to music in bed
6.      live in a large house
7.      my own bedroom=a bedroom of my own
8.      look out at the beach
9.      in most homes
10.  like chatting with friends

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文件大小: 76K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit1
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