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上传者:   加入日期:16-03-05

1. Do you know the      (经理)of this company very well?
2. We don't know what will happen in the      (将来), but we must work hard for it.
3. Nowadays, we can seldom see      (邮递员)riding bikes in the street.
4. He has to leave      (大学)because his family is too poor.
5. 'Write your name      (在……下面)the line,' the teacher says to me.
6.一What are you going to be in the future, Simon?
  一I'm going to be a doctor. I want to help      people.
7. The e     is busy all day. He helps with a lot of things such as bikes, computers and so on.
8. You can buy a dictionary for English study. The dictionary gives you some i     about words.
9. The students are working in      (a number of people or things that are together in the same place) to find out the answers.
10.一Do you know Mary? 一Yes, she is a very nice      (a man or a woman) to work with.
1. He works in the      (big) hospital in our city.
2.一What do the volunteers do there? 一 They meet and share their      (skill).
3. We will visit the old people and do some      (shop) for them.
4. If you don't know what      (wear) to a party, the artists here will help you.
5.一      there       (be) a sports meeting this weekend? 一Yes. there is.
6. Don't      (worry) about her. She can look after herself.
7. It's very cold today. It      (snow) tonight, I think.
8. How about      (design) a poster for our fashion show?
9. I am the second child in my family. My      (old) sister is two years older than I.
10.一Shall we make a fire to keep warm? 一That      (sound) like a good idea.
Dear all,
I am Simon, one of the leaders of our Sunshine community centre.

资料名称: 2015–2016学年七年级下英语Unit2单元综合检测卷及答案
文件大小: 176K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit2
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