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牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit3 Robots Grammar2学案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-09

牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit3 Robots Grammar2学案
Lead-in (导入部分)
Review the adverbial clauses expressing the results or purpose.
 We'll sit nearer the front so that we can hear better.
 You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all.
【板书课题】Unit3 Grammar2
1. 复习so …that引导的结果状语从句与too…to和enough to之间的转换。
2. so that 引导的目的状语从句与in order to 之间的转换。
Step Ⅱ Presentation
1. Make some sentences with adverbial clauses.
I was so forgetful that I didn’t lock the door last night.
The robot was so careful that it reminded me of this.
I was so weak that I couldn’t go up and down the stairs often.
The robot was so kind that it bought me everything I needed.
Sometimes I took a walk with it so that I could have a better sleep.
2.  We can also use to-infinitives to replace some adverbial clauses expressing results or purpose.
I was too forgetful to lock the door last night.
The robot was careful enough to remind me of this.
I was too weak to go up and down the stairs often.
The robot was kind enough to buy me everything I needed.
Sometimes I took a walk with it in order to have a better sleep.
Step Ⅲ Practice(操练)
Today we’ve learned how to use to-infinitives to replace some adverbial clauses expressing results or purpose. Let’s do some exercises to consolidate.
l. Food will be in the form of__________ (药丸)if we live on Mars.
2. It's said a famous Korean film star will come to our town, but I'm u       about that.
3. My grandma is about 80 years old, so she is__________ (健忘的).
4. The old lady broke her leg when she climbed. The___________(楼梯).
5. He found his flat was in a__________(完全的)mess.

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版本年级: 牛津9BUnit3
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