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牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit3 Robots Reading学案
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牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit3 Robots Reading学案
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We know that robots can do many things for us, such as doing dangerous jobs,exploring outer space and helping with homework and housework .Would you like a robot ? What would you like a robot to do for you? Daniel is very interested in robots He found an interesting story in this month’s Robot magazine.
【板书课题】Unit3 Reading
【学习目标】1. To learn the useful phrases and languages points.
2. To learn to give a brief introduction about the robot .
Task 1
Read and answer the questions
(1) What is Mr. Jiang ?
(2)Why did he buy a robot ?
(3) Where did he order the robot ?
(4) What happened to the robot a few weeks later ?
(5) How did he deal with the robot in the end ?
Task 2
Listen and judge true or false
(1)The robot made Mr. Jiang’s life much easier.
(2)The robot ironed Mr. Jiang’s business suit in the afternoon.
(3) Mr. Jiang had to do the housework every day
(4) The robot would tidy up his flat while he was at home.
(5) Mr. Jiang’s robot could cook delicious dinner for him.
(6) Mr. Jiang’s robot could cook delicious dinner for him
(7) The robot could relax and watch TV after dinner

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版本年级: 牛津9BUnit3
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